About the Commercial

The great thing about this commercial is how it reaches the audience on a personal level. Here you see a normal guy fighting his way to get to the Master Sword. We’ve all thought about what we’d do if given the chance, and here you see him dodging arrows and using new abilities. It’s just baffling how nostalgic this commercial really is, it has that great adventure-y feeling of the old ’80s and ’90s video game commercials.

Features Shown in the Commercial

Some of the great features shown in the commercial are those newly found to A Link Between Worlds. This guy, when dodging pit falls, starts blending into the walls just as Link will do in the new upcoming game. It shows that with these problems occurring in the game, the player will have to think outside the box and a little differently when playing.

A Link Between Worlds comes out November 22nd and will be available for the 3DS and 2DS (as said in the commercial). For those of you who will be getting the game, I hope you enjoy it and get the full Zelda experience.

Share with a comment below about your thoughts on the commercial. Will you be getting the new Zelda game?