But what will this new system have? What will be its capabilities as far as games, design, and hardware go? These are my new predictions for Nintendo’s future console; the console that will really need to step up if this company is going to succeed. I will also be predicting the features the console will not have in its arsenal.

No Blu-Ray Player

While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing to include, it’s another “catch up” idea. The PS3, PS4, and Xbox One all already contain this as an option, so I don’t see this as being a big strong point for Nintendo’s future. Instead, I hope their console will focus heavily on video games.

Hardware Boost

We all know the PS4 and Xbox One are supercharged consoles, and in this case, Nintendo must and will follow suit. I’m talking an update on the frame rate, the graphics card, and a plethora or memory that us fans won’t know what to do with! My Wii U has only 32 GB in it, and I’m thinking an easy 300 GB will greatly improve my future online purchases on the new console. Think about it, no longer concerning one’s self over storage space sounds amazing.

Online Multiplayer 2.0

Games like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros., and Splatoon have already done wonderful things for Nintendo’s online gaming, but it could and will be so much better. I could even see the possibility of being able to finally chat with other players (that’s right, finally a headset) from across the world. I also predict a continuation of the Miiverse, but with video clips that you can send to your friends. The Miiverse will get a lot more upgrades, making it more accessible to gamers.

3rd Party Floodgates

(Courtesy of gameondaily.com)

One of the reasons the Wii U doesn’t have that many 3rd party sponsors is hardware capabilities. But with this upcoming boost the new console will be receiving, the 3rd parties will become a lot more accessible, and that’s a deadly thing. Classics like Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong Country will be met with open arms from other parties such as Borderlands, Dynasty Warriors, and the Batman series. Think about it, all those wonderful Nintendo exclusives and 3rd parties under one console; sounds like a the perfect ice cream sundae.

Backwards Capability

This is a no brainer. The Wii U games should easily be able to work with the future console. I don’t think the Wii games will work, but that’s fine, especially since the new system will have plenty of them available on the Virtual Console. Not only that, the Virtual Console will have triple the amount of games that the Wii U has now. So many games, not nearly enough time. 

I have no doubt that the new console will be awesome; I’m very excited to hear the announcement for it. Here are some questions for you readers: What do you think the next console’s name will be, and what features would you like it to have? 

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