The Ooni Of Ife Weds His 6th Spouse, Princess Temitope. The wedding is as yet going on, as photographs and recordings from the excessive occasion have advanced onto the web.

The Ooni is no place to be seen, as he has been at past weddings, however individuals from the royal residence have raged the setting to address the Lord.

Princess Temitope Adesegun is the Ooni’s 6th spouse. Trusts Alive Drives’ Chief is Princess Temitope Morenikeji Adesegun (HAI). Her drive is upheld by the Place of Odua, which was roused by the Ooni.

She is a princess of the Adesegun Ibipe Illustrious Line of Back Iwoye in Ogun State’s Ijebu North LG.

Princess Temitope holds a Certificate in Semantics from the College of Lagos, a Recognition in Information Handling from the College of Lagos, and a Bsc in Business Organization from the College of Lagos.

She holds degrees from the College of Oxford in the Unified Realm, INSEAD Business college in Fontainebleau, France, the College of Cambridge, Judge Business college in the Assembled Realm, and Harvard Kennedy School of Government in the US.

— YabaLeftOnline (@yabaleftonline) October 24, 2022

Princess Temitope is a ‘Wellbeing Wise’ television moderator. For quite a long time, she ran a Wellbeing Support Program for the Lagos State Service of Wellbeing under Lead representative Raji Fasola.