A new trailer has been released for the new faction. It shows a number of fleets belonging to the five different Space Marine chapters included in the DLC – Space Wolves, Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, and Blood Angels. Each fleet appears to be unique in some way, which is good because it would be kind of hard to tell all of those tiny little marines apart from one another without some visual clues. The ships do tend to be very similar in appearance.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is a RTS game based on the Games Workshop’s tabletop miniatures game of the same name and is a fairly accurate representation. Players lead fleets of massive, cathedralesqe-looking killing machines to war in the vast emptiness of space where they try to blast their enemies back into the warp from whence they came. It’s jolly good fun for the whole family. 

Players still have time to get in on the free DLC if they purchase the game before June 21st. If this game was ever on your radar, now might be the time to pick it up. “The Space Marines Fleet” will sell for $6.99 after release and one can assume the “Tau Fleet” will be similarly priced upon it’s release. It’s not the highest priced DLC ever, but free is always cheaper.