Before Destiny launched, we were shown game content through every avenue–articles, press releases, video previews, and mailbag reports–with the expectation that it would be in-game at launch. You purchase your basic copy of Destiny for $60 ($120 if you started on the 360 and moved to the One) and have limited access to the worlds you were promised. Don’t be mistaken–it is all there in code, but you had to wait for Bungie to unlock it by purchasing DLC: Dark Below and House of Wolves each for $20, or together for $35. Your tally is now up to $95 or as much as $180. Another $40 added to either of those total for our Comet/Taken King expansion/DLC as well as another $20-$30 for two more DLC that already said will be released after Taken King releases. 

So you’re at $150 to $250 for a nowhere-near complete game. 

Destiny has had a extremely rough launch due to bad connections, error code after error code, missing promised launch content, and just in general piss poor quality from a company who has brought us flawless titles. The game itself along with both DLC has been a complete flop compared to the hype that was brought on. 

Now we are told if we want to continue this fight in Destiny we must buy a DLC costing $40.

This DLC giving us just about the same amount of content as The Dark Below gave us for twice the cost. The last time I saw a $40 price tag on an expansion for a game, it made my current game a whole new game. Gave me vast new worlds/lands to visit, hundreds of new gear and weapons. I pretty much had equal or even more content than the original game came out with from its launch. 

Even Rockstar, after its $60 Grand Theft Auto 5 launch gave us 10 more DLC/Expansion pack for its game. All 100% free. They had a rough launch just like Destiny and Halo: MCC. But both Rockstar and 343 in return for the trouble we have endured gave us free downloads. GTA 5 with its ever-expanding free content and Halo: MCC giving its loyal gamers a free download for Halo: ODST. There are many other companies giving free DLC away due to a flop on launch but for some reason Bungie can’t accept its failure, and still continues to hold our wallet hostage. 

The Taken King continues to take... money   Destiny - 86