Translated into English, it can be a tricky concept to understand but the Japanese dictionary defines it in two ways:

Crime of Conscience   Premeditated crime (viewed as mistaken usage); act carried out while knowing that it should not be

With this information in mind, the question before us becomes a little clearer. On April 25th in-game, you’ll be posed the following question:

“What’s the common usage of kakushinhan again, regarding an action you take?”

Your answer should be “Knowing your actions are wrong.”

A second question will then stand before you:

“But the real kakushinhan is the opposite, right? So the opposite means…”

To finish the set, you should answer “Conviction that you’re right.”

Voila! A handy boost to stats will be your reward as well as a job well done. It can be tricky getting your head round some of the questions and other concepts of Persona 5, but why not take a look at some of our other guides for extra help:

Persona 5: Finding the Stone Of Scone Treasure Demon Persona 5 Class Questions and Answers Cheat Sheet Persona 5 Guide: Unlocking Part-Time Jobs and Job Rewards Persona 5 Guide: Finding the Best Confidants Persona 5: Leave No Chest Unlocked by Crafting the Eternal Lockpick