Thomas Robb is a racial oppressor, Ku Klux Klan pioneer, and Christian Identity minister from the United States.

He is the National Director of The Knights Party, also called the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which he took over in 1989.

Who Is ‘Head Of KKK’ Thomas Robb? Thomas Robb is a racial oppressor, Ku Klux Klan pioneer, and Christian Identity minister from the United States.

He is the National Director of The Knights Party, prevalently known as the Ku Klux Klan, having assumed control over the gathering in 1989.

Robb is the Christian Revival Center minister in Zinc, Arkansas, which advances bigotry and discrimination against Jews. Robb assumed control over the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which had been driven by David Duke, in 1989.

To get public endorsement, he changed his title to “Public Director” instead of “Magnificent Wizard,” and renamed the gathering “The Knights Party.”

Meet Thomas Robb Wife And Children We truly do know Thomas Robb is hitched, however his significant other’s name isn’t known to the general population.

We really do realize he has a girl named Rachel Pendergraft. Robb’s girl Rachel Pendergraft and his granddaughter’s Charity and Shelby Pendergraft made Heritage Connection, a “white patriot” band, in 2009.

Robb has kept up with connections to other extreme right associations, it Nations’ yearly “World Congress” of disdain bunch pioneers to incorporate talking at the Aryan

He has showed up on Jamie Kelso’s racial oppressor Voice of Reason Radio Network, and consistently adding to the racial oppressor Internet discussion Stormfront.

Thomas Robb Net Worth Explored Thomas Robb Net Worth isn’t actually known however we like to think he has good cash.

— Mukhtar (@The_onlyMukhtar) May 14, 2022

Robb assumed control over the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which had been driven by David Duke, in 1989.

To acquire public endorsement, he changed his title to “Public Director” as opposed to “Magnificent Wizard,” and renamed the gathering “The Knights Party.”

He additionally selected to acknowledge individuals involving remote applications as opposed to commencement methodology, which had recently been standard Klan practice.