I personally am not a huge fan of MOBAs simply because I find them too static and that there is too long of a build up before the climax. I do however pay my respects towards the genre and have an above average undertstanding of it. I am really looking forward to the intense action it promises, along with the diversity of characters. They claim that the heroes will represent characters from all of Blizzard’s past games, which will probably create tons of nostalgia and unity amongst veteran Blizzard fans.

The only doubt I have with this upcoming title is the monetary aspect, also known as Free to Play. The execution of this part of the title can fairly well dictate it’s sucess. If this is even remotely Pay to Win I suspect that it will ruin eSports viability along with decreasing the appeal of the title to the public. The best case scenario is for Blizzard to take a Dota 2-like approach where the amount of money you’re willing to pour in will determine on how pretty your hero looks. I myself am not too worried, because looking back at the pedigree of past Blizzard games, you will see the sucess it has had dealing with the equality of microtransactions.

Overall I am extremely excited for the release of this new Blizzard title and I do sincerely hope it becomes a sucess, and a breakthrough in the MOBA genre. I also hope that I will recieve a beta key for the game so I can write a review for it.