The statement goes on to suggest that there are some major issues facing the games industry following the result of the EU referendum, which must be highlighted to the UK Government.

Access to funding

A lot of EU initiatives help UK game developments, such as Creative Europe and Horizon 2020 – and without this vital backing, a lot of UK studios would not have been successful or funded at all. TIGA is calling for the active promotion and support of already existing schemes such as the Video Games Prototype Fund and the possibility of creating a Games Investment Fund to help support start-up studios.

Continued tax relief

In 2000, the UK Government introduced the Research and Development Tax Relief, and then in 2014 introduced the Video Games Tax Relief. These have played a crucial part in allowing small UK-based developers to play and survive up against their international competition. For sustainability, these must be maintained and improved to ensure future investment.

Access to Talent

It is vital that there still be access to European talent. The result of the referendum will no doubt greatly change immigration laws and the once “freedom of movement” between EU countries will no longer apply to the UK. TIGA wants the new restrictions to be complex and promotes movement to prevent industries not being held back by skill shortages.

Safeguarding Intellectual Property

This is going to be one of the most significant areas to be affected by the UK leaving the EU. A lot of rights and regime stem from a European foundation. Things like EU Trade Mark regime and Registered Community Design regime. The implications of leaving the EU means that any rights currently held under EU directives lose their validity. So for those in this position, they would need to apply for UK trademarks which could already exist in the UK.

For a more detailed read, you can visit TIGA’s website for the press release in full.