On TikTok, a secondary school understudy recorded herself trying her school’s clothing standard — and understudies were shocked by an overseer’s reaction. In a viral TikTok, secondary school understudy Anastasia (@anastasiaskits) tested her school’s severe clothing standard. In the video, Anastasia — who is recording herself with her telephone — should be visible sitting among different understudies, conversing with executives who are behind the scenes.


“For what reason is this school so steady on advising young ladies to conceal, when truly folks ought to simply keep it in their jeans?” she asks the chairmen, adding, “This school is so willful on advising young ladies to conceal their shoulders, or, you know, stomach, when those things are regular.” The adolescent proceeded to make sense of that the clothing standard was “chauvinist.” She likewise raised that it appeared to be that females with bigger cup sizes were causing problems for their outfits more frequently than those with more modest cup sizes.

“I’ve conversed with numerous young ladies in this school,” Anastasia said, adding, “On the off chance that two young ladies come to school wearing a similar top, you know — one young lady has a more modest cup size, the other one has a bigger cup size. I’ve heard more young ladies with the bigger cup size get dress coded more than the more modest ones.”

In the subtitle of her video, she stated: “Our bodies aren’t diverting, you’re not kidding.” However, the discussion didn’t simply end there. In a subsequent video, she recorded the reaction from two male managers who give off an impression of being attempting to excuse her contention.

A man is heard saying that it’s in the handbook. “It’s not the manner in which we’re seeing that, yet we’re simply following anything we desire to do,” he said. “Greater part of individuals truly do get it, however there’s certain individuals that need to challenge the framework, so that is all there is to it. What’s more, a ton of staff individuals and individuals, they feel awkward,” he proceeded.

A young lady sitting behind Anastasia then tolled: “On pause, I have an inquiry. You said the staff feels awkward with what young ladies wear?” The man replied, “I expressed a long time past, some staff members…” “Why?” the young lady contributed. One more executive then bounced in and expressed, “Hang tight, folks, we should pull together for a minute…”

In the remarks, clients went wild. “At the point when he said staff my jaw dropped,” one client composed. Another client said: “In the event that the staff is awkward by the thing minors are wearing …, the school needs to employ new staff.” In the mean time, one client commended Anastasia for uncovering this: “He just pardoned man centric sexism. He just fundamentally said can’t keep those rowdy boys down. Challenge all that and continue doing what you’re doing.”