The 29-year-old influencer has launched a series on TikTok and Instagram named How To: Never Forget, which follows Exhaust as she learns more about the Holocaust and her personal connection to the slaughter during an excursion to Poland.

Exhaust lets Individuals know that the 10-part series of brief recordings, which launched on Oct. 24, is aimed at educating watchers — especially her Gen-Z devotees — about the history behind the Holocaust and its devastating impact on the Jewish people group. “I think the main goal was [to educate] Gen-Z, because that’s the generation that doesn’t be aware as much about it,” she says.

“However, I think it’s also going to, ideally, change individuals’ points of view as well.” Created by Israel Shachter and Rachel Kastner with SoulShop Studios, How To: Never Forget plunges into the atrocities that occurred in German-involved Poland over 75 years ago, while simultaneously shadowing Exhaust’s personal process.

After a year of planning, Exhaust and her team visited Poland earlier this year, where she visited locations like Schindler’s Factory, Auschwitz and Bełżec.

During her excursion, Exhaust learned that a portion of her relatives died at Bełżec.

“It was absolutely the hardest seven day stretch of my life — absolutely the hardest — however the main,” Exhaust tells Individuals. The release of How To: Never Forget comes as antisemitism is on the rise. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the quantity of antisemitic incidents in the U.S. reached an all-time high in 2021, with an average of in excess of seven incidents each day.

— juanitto_ (@byparadinha) April 25, 2022

Meanwhile, information surrounding the Holocaust appears to be dwindling in the U.S. A Seat Research survey conducted in 2019 showed that only 45% of Americans realize that 6 million Jewish individuals were killed during the Holocaust — including about 66% of teenagers ages 13 to 17. (The youngsters were possible born somewhere in the range of 2002 and 2006.)

Additionally, only 20 states expect schools to educate understudies about the Holocaust, four of which passed laws in 2021, according to the Jewish Virtual Library.

Three other states — Alabama, Pennsylvania and Washington — suggest it. Antisemitism has been also at the center of attention as of late, as various well known individuals — including rapper Kanye West and NBA star Kyrie Irving — sparked backlash for posting and expressing harmful way of talking across various platforms and mediums.

Exhaust says the timing of the series release is unrelated to late information, yet accepts it is a higher priority than ever to educate individuals about the Holocaust and the Jewish people group.

“I’m like, ‘Indeed, in the event that I can some way or another be a slight piece of education for them, and they watch my recordings already, they could actually listen to me.’

And that’s what’s generally strong,” she tells Individuals. New episodes of How To: Never Forget began dropping daily Tuesday on Exhaust’s TikTok and Instagram pages, leading up to Nov. 9, which marks the anniversary of Kristallnacht, also known as The evening of the Wrecked Glass, when anti-Jewish brutality broke out across Europe in 1938.

Ninety-one Jewish individuals were killed and approximately 7,500 Jewish-claimed businesses, homes, and schools were burglarized amid 48 hours of anti-Jewish demonstrations in Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia, according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Historical center.

Eventually, Exhaust desires to create a longer film from footage from her outing. “There are a great deal of stories and individuals that I met in Poland that we didn’t place into this, however they were really important and crucial for individuals to be aware,” she tells Individuals.

In any case, for now, Exhaust trusts her ongoing series will educate watchers, and perhaps assist with changing a few points of view.

“This is definitely about what happened to the Jewish nation in the Holocaust,” she tells Individuals, “yet I also trust individuals takeaway that this is going on all over the world.”