Released back in October 2013, this is the third installment in UK-based Positech’s Democracy series. The game is a government simulator which takes an in-depth look at all the politics and policies behind all aspects of modern-day democracy.

The game doesn’t rely heavily on graphics, but instead presents a beautiful and clean user interface full of sliders and information about each variable. You’d be right in thinking, however, that the game itself isn’t very easy and may take some time getting a grip on everything that needs to be done.

When you have to take into consideration laws, policies, voters, trade relations, internal affairs and budgets – and making them balance out at the same time – Democracy 3 becomes very in-depth and immersive. Depending on which country you decide to represent, the game faithfully recreates actual differences between government types. For example, the differences in length of time your Prime Minister or President can stay in office, or even whether your country is a socialist country or capitalist.

I find this kind of game fascinating – not just because you get to pit your wits against an AI public, but it is also very educational. If you have any interest in politics or economy, then you really should take a look at this game (if you haven’t already, of course). But be careful, because if you get it wrong, things will go downhill very quickly and one of two things will happen: you will either lose the next election or you’ll be assassinated.

Democracy 3 can be purchased from Steam or directly from Positech at £18.99 for the basic game with DLC and expansion available to purchase as well. It is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.