This will come as welcome news to both fans of the original game and PlayStation 4 players, who missed out on the critically acclaimed and multi-award winning Titanfall due to it being an Xbox and PC exclusive.

While the original game was a multiplayer first-person shooter which had players running along walls and piloting giant mech-like “Titans”, the sequel looks to not only improve upon the competitive multiplayer action, but also include a full single-player campaign.

Speaking of their plans for the single-player campaign in an interview with Forbes back in February, lead writer for the game Jesse Stern had this to say:

In the same interview, Stern also announced that the studio had partnered up with Lionsgate TV to create a TV series based on the game, which one can only assume will coincide with the game’s release.

“What inspires us is the junction of technological advancement with the inevitability of conflict and war and what the next war might look like. In Titanfall 2 there will be a lot of [scenes] where science meets magic, but keeping it grounded and dirty and human and real.”

It seems the studio are really devoting themselves to creating a memorable single-player experience and aren’t content to just tack-on a single player campaign, something that seems to be all too common with other first-person shooters where focus has clearly been set on the multi-player aspect of the game.