Sources in the state woods division let IANS know that the elephant has placed in thirty years of commendable help and has turned 57 years old at this point.

A senior official with the Tamil Nadu woods division told IANS, “Kaleem is a pride for our specialization. He was engaged with numerous tasks, it has even helped the Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and, surprisingly, West Bengal woods offices to get request seething wild elephants that kills people, obliterate harvests and cause an uproar and dread among individuals.”

He said that Kaleem was engaged with pursuing ceaselessly no less than 100 wild elephants into the woodland and said that he was a resource for the backwoods division of Tamil Nadu. The timberland official likewise said that the ‘Kumki’ was delicate and respectful and submitted to the orders appropriately.

Kaleem was brought to the state woods division from Sathyamangalam Tiger Hold when he got isolated from his crowd when he was six years old.

The creature, as per its overseers, has mastery in saving wild elephants that had fallen into profound pits and furthermore help the division in pushing wild elephants away into the woods.

His controller Mani while addressing IANS said, “Kaleem is profoundly versatile to states of landscape and answers emphatically in any territory. He was shipped off West Bengal in a truck and was there for a month and tackled his undertaking flawlessly.”

The Sathyamangalam Tiger Hold authorities said that they would send a proposition to the Tamil Nadu woodland division soon as he was progressing in years and required legitimate rest.

The division has previously prepared other Kumki elephants in the STR like, ‘Kapildev’, ‘Rajyavarthan’, and ‘Syambu’ to accept the responsibility of Kaleem in the days to come.