On his Chrisley Admissions web recording, the 53-year-old Chrisley Realizes Best star said he’s much of the time asked regarding how he’s gotten through lately.


Todd and his significant other Julie Chrisley are anticipating their condemning subsequent to being sentenced for government misrepresentation charges this previous summer.

“I get asked a ton, ‘Todd, how have you held up during this time?’ You know, ‘You look perfect, you have an extraordinary mentality. How can you do this?’ This was simply told me yesterday,” Todd expressed while in discussion with Julie, 49. “Through the beauty of God, that is the manner by which I’m getting it done. Through the finesse of God, since I have acknowledged — this will come as a shock to a great deal of you all — that Todd doesn’t know it all however God does and that Todd’s way may not be God’s direction and that is on the grounds that God’s way is better.”

“I live in my reality. I commend my reality with my Ruler and Rescuer and with you [Julie],” he proceeded. “I’m thankful for my marriage.

You know when I supplicate, I generally say ‘God, thank you for my relationship with you. What’s more, thank you for my significant other, my kids.’

Yet I think my tranquility has come in the tempest through God and the Essence of God making me mindful that I am here. I’m right alongside you. I’m working with you. I’m working for you.”

Driving his point further, Todd said that individuals “need things to happen when we believe they should occur however God knows that there’s a more noteworthy chance for this to occur sometime in the not too distant future than what you’re not kidding.” “We as a whole are hypersensitive to torment. We don’t need torment. We don’t need affliction.

We maintain that our life should be awesome. We believe that everything should go perfectly,” he proceeded.

“In the event that everything was extraordinary constantly, how might we at any point feel a debt of gratitude? You need to have the awful days to see the value in the great ones.

You need to have the downpour to see the value in the daylight.” Todd then, at that point, utilized an exceptional correlation with depict what is happening: “Going through the thing we’re going through the present moment and through this valley that we’re in, it’s practically similar to passing through the province of Texas.”

“You’re like, ‘It ain’t never going to end. How big is this state?’ How often have we said we’ve passed through Texas and like, ‘How long Julie? How much longer? Well, I’ve been dozing for three hours. The number of miles that have you driven?’ And you’re like, ‘Todd, do you have at least some idea how big Texas is?’” he proceeded. “In any case, we traversed Texas, and we’ll overcome the valley. I take a gander at it and I contemplate internally, the valley ain’t my home. The valley’s not my heritage. The valley’s not my story. My story is on the highest point of the mountain yet my story is the way I got to the highest point of the mountain, how I tumbled from the highest point of the mountain to the valley and how God conveyed me from the valley back to higher ground.”

— #TeenMom: The Next Chapter (@TeenMomNextChap) June 21, 2022

The truth star added, “That is my story. That will be my declaration. My declaration won’t be about rout, since rout is something that Satan believes that you should acknowledge — and I don’t acknowledge anything from Satan. What’s more, you realize I reproach him the entire day.” In June, a jury decided that Todd and Julie were at real fault for connivance to commit bank extortion, scheme to swindle the US and expense misrepresentation. Julie was likewise sentenced for wire extortion.

The long several has energetically denied the charges. Thus, they have decided to retaliate against the charges, bringing about their condemning date being delayed to Nov. 21.

Julie, as well, has drilled down into the effect what is going on has had on the long-term couple.

“I feel like for such a long time, you and I have been a group since the very beginning,” she said on a past episode of their Chrisley Admissions digital broadcast.

“It’s been you and I against the world … I think for the two of us, this present circumstance, our time of life right currently has shown us it’s really not necessary to focus on what our arrangement is, it about God’s arrangement is. For quite a while, it was dependably our arrangement, not God’s arrangement.”